Career and Counselling Cell

The Career and Counseling cell for students has been strengthened with recent innovations by the UGC support from the academic year 2011 – 2012. The cell is very actively involved in career counselling and also assisting students in overcoming some of their Psychological problems too. Counselling cell is empowering students to discover, develop and apply their unique talents to achieve their greatest career potential and also putting efforts to impart students the knowledge of self, career options and resources. Counselling cell assisting students, those who are need of special care. Psychological testing, questionnaires, attitude and aptitude scales are administered for the counselling purpose. It is regularly having interactive sessions with many senior professors of the college. Every year workshops are organized with highly learned resource persons from different fields and professions. A number of magazines like Employment News, Yojana, Spradha Spoorthi etc. are made available in the cell for students.

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